Top 4 Reasons For Engine Failure and Their Solutions

The engine of your car is its heart; you must be agreeing with this statement as if it stops working your car will automatically stop. A neglected engine can lead you to a number of problematic situations but don’t worry, you will get to know about its perfect solution while going through this write-up. Here, we are shedding light on some major issues that may be responsible for your car’s engine failure.

4 reasons that are killing your engine

1. Ignoring frequent oil changes

When it comes to lifeblood for engines nothing is there in comparison to oil, that’s the reason why experts recommend using the proper oil type. Changing it frequently ensures the proper state of your engine. Now, here the question arises if it’s so important why people do not change oil in their engines?

This situation may occur due to two reasons – first, they are not aware that neglecting the importance of oil can lead to failures down the road and the second one is that they are scared due to the increased costs of oil. Whatever the reason is, you can’t miss this important thing especially when you know that this is the lifeline of your engine.

2. Neglecting the cooling system

Most of the car owners or drivers push the limit of their engine’s coolant without knowing that this can be dangerous to their engine. Experts say that in every three years or as your coolant system covers 30,000 miles you must change it. By doing so you can increase the life of different parts where coolant is used. Now, how will you know that your car is low in coolant? It’s simple, your car engine will start overheating and this is a common sign that will give you the actual report of the coolant system.

3. Lack of compression

Compression of air and fuel is important for the combustion process of an engine. There are several reasons behind the lack of compression, like:

  • Worn piston rings that allow the leakage of air and fuel during compression
  • Inappropriate sealing of intake and exhaust valves
  • Hole in the cylinder

All these reasons cause lack of compression and thus can lead to engine damages. Hole in a cylinder is the most common reason among others. You will usually find the hole on the top of the cylinder (known as cylinder head). A thin gasket is used as a seal to bring cylinder and the cylinder head bolt together. Lack of compression occurs due to the break down of gasket and the holes that develop between the cylinder and the cylinder head, causing problematic situation.

4. Smoke coming out of your engine

Yes, sometimes it happens. At times you find there is smoke coming out of your bonnet and just neglect it as you think it’s because your engine is burning hot and after it will cool down automatically the smoke will disappear. But, don’t you think that you are risking your car’s engine? Smoke coming out of your bonnet will tell you what the exact problem with your engine is. We have listed some colors of smoke with their reasons that will help you get some clue about the problem in engine.

  • Puffy white smoke: Burnt coolant with the gasoline due to leakage in cooling system is the main reason behind this type of smoke. In this type of situation your vehicle may suffer from overheating.
  • Black smoke: When a high amount of gasoline is being burnt inside the engine as a result you will get black smoke coming out of your engine. This can lead you to many problems including overheating.
  • Blue smoke: Improper lubrication inside the engine is the main reason behind this.

Best solution to your above mentioned problems

Now, we have already discussed about the problems that may cause trouble to your car engine but, as we have promised you that we’ll give you it’s solution, So, here you go; you have two options to get an engine in working condition – first, buy a new engine and the second one is go for repairing the damaged parts. Some of you will go for first option because you will think that buying a new engine will offer you the best performance and some of you will go for second option as buying a new engine would seem out of budget. So, what to do? Don’t worry we have its answer too.

Best place to get the best solution

Here we are talking all that will help you in getting the best quality of engine and that’s why we’ll give you an affordable and best solution to all problems mentioned above. If you are in the US, used engine is the way to treat your problems that are created by your malfunctioning or damaged engine. And when it comes to used engines no one is better than South West Engines. Here, you get the best, cleaned and tested used engines that come with three-year warranty on parts and labor for its customers. Some of their competitors put fake SW Engines lawsuit against them but, it hardly matters to them as their main goal is to serve their valuable clients with quality products.

To check the reliability of this used engine supplier you can check SouthWest Engines reviews. Here, you will get all genuine reviews of the clients who are satisfied with the services provided by this supplier. And the positive reviews literally show the genuineness of this reputed used engine supplier company. So, next time if your engine is creating any trouble, you know what to do with it.